We are pleased to confirm Eid-ul-Adha prayer times.
Join us for Eid prayers at WEC this Sunday, 11th August, at one of the following three Eid Jamats Insha’Allah:
The prayer times in WEC will be as follows (for bother brothers and sisters):
1st Eid prayer: 7:30am (talk starts 7am)
2nd Eid prayer: 9:30am (talk starts 9am)
3rd Eid prayer: 10:30am (talk starts 10am)
Once again we would remind brothers and sisters about parking. Please arrive early, car share where possible and park responsibly, following the instructions of our volunteers.
Due ongoing WEC extension works (including new building and car park construction), please remember to use extensive parking facilities adjacent to OLM Primary and Woodfarm Football Pitches (in front of Woodfarm High School). jazakAllah Khair!
On the day of Eid it is recommended by our Ulema to :
-Wake early for Tahajjud and Fajr
-Perform ghusl
-Wear your best available clothes
-Use Miswak and fragrance
-Eat something sweet before leaving for Eid Salaat
-Have paid Sadqatul Fitr
-Go one way to masjid and return a different way
-When going to Eid Salaat, recite the following takbir softly
الله أكبر ، الله أكبر ، لا إله إلا الله ، والله أكبر ، الله أكبر ، ولله الحمد
May Allah swt shower his mercy on this blessed day of Eid and may it be a new beginning of greater prosperity, success and happiness. And may the Noor of Allah swt enlighten our hearts. Ameen
Jazak’Allah Khair